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Current Parameter

This parameter defines which and in what order you want the data from NOAA's National Weather Service Current Observations returned to you. This parameter is a comma delimited array of data chunks, each chunk revolving around one of the types of data available. The chunk ID is the first character of the chunk. Each of these chunks can also have modifiers that can be used to further define what is returned. Please note: some characters are both used as IDs and as modifiers. In addition, the inclusion of an integer value with any chunk (except for the Character and New Line chunks) will set the returned number of characters by either padding or truncating the data. If Current is empty or not sent, then "l,s:,s,a,c44,s,tdl,c44,s,wr,s@,il,c44,s,hdl" will be assumed.

Core Chunks

Current Observation - a

Chunk ID: a
Default Text: Current observations text, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=a returns "Overcast"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Label A current=am&labela=LabelA
k Label B current=ak&labelb=LabelB
s String current=as
"NOAA's National Weather Service"
t Title current=at
"Current Observation"
b Pad or Truncate current=at10b
"Current Ob"
"LabelA    "
x Truncate Only current=at10x
"Current Ob"
r Right Justify current=am10r&labela=LabelA
"    LabelA"
c Center Justify current=am10c&labela=LabelA
"  LabelA  "

Temperature - t

Chunk ID: t
Default Text: Observed temperature in Fahrenheit, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=t returns "46"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Celsius current=tm
s String current=ts
"46.0 F (8.0 C)"
t Title current=tt
d Append Degree current=td
l Short Label current=tl
b Pad or Truncate current=tt8b
"46F     "
x Truncate Only current=tt8x
r Right Justify current=tl8r
"     46F"
c Center Justify current=tl8c
"  46F   "

Feels Like - f

Chunk ID: f
Default Text: Observed Feels Like degrees in Fahrenheit (if returned by NOAA), left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=f returns "45"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Celsius current=fm
s String current=fs
"45 F (7 C)"
t Title current=ft
"Wind Chill"
"Heat Index"
d Append Degree current=fd
l Short Label current=fl
b Pad or Truncate current=ft8b
"Wind Chi"
"45WC    "
x Truncate Only current=ft8x
"Wind Chi"
r Right Justify current=fl8r
"    45WC"
c Center Justify current=fl8c
"  45WC  "

Relative Humidity - h

Chunk ID: h
Default Text: Observed humidity, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=h returns "66"

Modifier Description Example Result
s String current=hs
"66 Percent"
t Title current=ht
"Relative Humidity"
d Append Percent current=hd
l Short Label current=hl
b Pad or Truncate current=ht12b
"Relative Hum"
"66RH        "
x Truncate Only current=ht12x
"Relative Hum"
r Right Justify current=hl12r
"        66RH"
c Center Justify current=hl12c
"    66RH    "

Wind Speed - i

Chunk ID: i
Default Text: Observed wind speed in MPH, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=i returns "8"

Modifier Description Example Result
m KPH current=im
k Knots current=ik
s String current=is
"North at 8.1 MPH (7 KT)"
t Title current=it
"Wind Speed"
l Short Label current=il
b Pad or Truncate current=it8b
"Wind Spe"
"8MPH    "
x Truncate Only current=it8x
"Wind Spe"
r Right Justify current=il8r
"    8MPH"
c Center Justify current=il8c
"  8MPH  "

Wind Direction - w

Chunk ID: w
Default Text: Observed ordinal wind direction abbreviation, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=w returns "SE"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Degrees current=wm
k Ordinal current=wk
s String current=ws
"Southeast at 4.6 MPH (4 KT)"
t Title current=wt
"Wind Direction"
b Pad or Truncate current=wt8b
"Wind Dir"
"140     "
x Truncate Only current=wt8x
"Wind Dir"
r Right Justify current=wm8r
"     140"
c Center Justify current=wm8c
"  140   "

Advanced Chunks

Dew Point - d

Chunk ID: d
Default Text: Observed dew point in Fahrenheit, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=d returns "30"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Celsius current=dm&dtformata=Y-m-d
s String current=ds
"30.0 F (-1.1 C)"
t Title current=dt
d Append Degree current=dd
l Short Label current=dl
b Pad or Truncate current=dt6b
"30DP  "
x Truncate Only current=dt6x
r Right Justify current=dl6r
"    30DP"
c Center Justify current=dl6c
"  30DP  "

MSL Pressure - p

Chunk ID: p
Default Text: Observed atmospheric pressure at mean sea-level in inches, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=p returns "30"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Millibars current=pm
s String current=ps
"1017.5 mb"
t Title current=pt
"MSL Pressure"
l Short Label current=pl
b Pad or Truncate current=pt8b
"MSL Pres"
"30in    "
x Truncate Only current=pt8x
"MSL Pres"
r Right Justify current=pl8r
"    30in"
c Center Justify current=pl8c
"  30in  "

Visibility - v

Chunk ID: v
Default Text: Observed atmospheric pressure at mean sea-level in inches, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=v returns "10"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Kilometers current=vm
s String current=vs
"10 miles (16 kilometers)"
t Title current=vt
l Short Label current=vl
b Pad or Truncate current=vt8b
"10M     "
x Truncate Only current=vt8x
r Right Justify current=vl8r
"     10M"
c Center Justify current=vl8c
"  10M   "

Wind Gusting - g

Chunk ID: g
Default Text: Observed wind gusts in MPH, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=g returns "27"

Modifier Description Example Result
m KPH current=gm
k Knots current=gk
s String current=gs
"gusting to 26.5 MPH (23 KT)"
t Title current=gt
"Wind Gusting"
l Short Label current=gl
b Pad or Truncate current=gt10b
"Wind Gusti"
"27MPH     "
x Truncate Only current=gt10x
"Wind Gusti"
r Right Justify current=gl10r
"     27MPH"
c Center Justify current=gl10c
"  27MPH   "

Local Time - b

Chunk ID: b
Default Text: The local time in rfc2822 format, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=b returns "Mon, 14 Dec 2020 20:27:58 -0500"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Date Time Format A current=bm&dtformata=Y-m-d
k Date Time Format B current=bk&dtformatb=g:i:s
s String current=bs
"Local Time is Dec 14 2020, 8:31 pm EST"
t Title current=bt
"Local Time"
b Pad or Truncate current=bt8b
"Local Ti"
"2020    "
x Truncate Only current=bt8x
"Local Ti"
r Right Justify current=bm8r&dtformata=Y
"    2020"
c Center Justify current=bm8c&dtformata=Y
"  2020  "

Observation Time - o

Chunk ID: o
Default Text: The time the observations were taken in rfc2822 format, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=o returns "Mon, 14 Dec 2020 16:53:00 -0800"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Date Time Format A current=om&dtformata=Y-m-d
k Date Time Format B current=ok&dtformatb=g:i:s
s String current=os
"Last Updated on Dec 14 2020, 5:53 pm PST"
t Title current=ot
"Observation Time"
b Pad or Truncate current=ot8b
"2020    "
x Truncate Only current=ot8x
r Right Justify current=om8r&dtformata=Y
"    2020"
c Center Justify current=om8c&dtformata=Y
"  2020  "

Location - l

Chunk ID: l
Default Text: The ICAO for the reporting weather station, left justified, and if the width is provided, then padded to that.
Example: current=l returns "KLAX"

Modifier Description Example Result
m Latitude current=lm
k Longitude current=lk
s String current=ls
"Los Angeles, Los Angeles International Airport, CA"
t Title current=lt
b Pad or Truncate current=lt6b
"34    `"
x Truncate Only current=lt6x
r Right Justify current=ll6r
"    34"
c Center Justify current=ll6c
"  34  "

Textual Chunks

Character - c

Chunk ID: c
If you wish to have a single specific UTF-8 character returned, you can do so using the Character Chunk.
Integer values between 33 and 126 inclusive are allowed. UTF-8 Character code values can be found at the UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters web page.
Example: current=c64 returns "@"

Symbol - s

Chunk ID: s
If you wish to have a specific character returned that can be padded or repeated, you can do so using the Symbol Chunk.
Values of ":", "@", "\", "-", ".", "_", "~", "!", "$", "'", "(", ")", "*", ";" are allowed. If only an "s" is sent, then a space will be returned.
Example: current=s# returns "#"

Modifier Description Example Result
k only if Feels Like would return data current=s(,f,s)
s repeat instead of pad current=s#6
r Right Justify current=s#6r
"     #"
c Center Justify current=s#6c
"  #   "

New Line - n

Chunk ID: n
If you wish to have a New Line returned, you can do so using the New Line Chunk.

Modifier Description Example Result
m inserts new line in Wind Speed String when Gusting current=is,nm
"from the North at 12.7,
gusting to 19.6 MPH (11 gusting to 17 KT)"
k only if Feels Like would return data current=a,n,ts,n,fs,nk,is
"Light Snow
32.0 F (0.0 C)
22 F (-6 C)
West at 12.7 MPH (11 KT)"

