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Current Observations as Text

This part of the API will retrieve current observations weather data from NOAA's National Weather Service and return it as plain text.


Methods: GET

Request Query Parameters

Parameter Required or Optional Description
test Optional This indicates that one of the test modes is requested.
icao Required The ICAO airport code or location indicator for the weather station to be queried.
current Optional A comma delimited array of the data chunks requested from the weather data.
format Optional A 4 element, comma delimited array holding the settings used for replacing the space and degree, the precision of numerical values and the time zone identifier.
dtformata Optional A date time format string to be used as Date Time Format A.
dtformatb Optional A date time format string to be used as Date Time Format B.
labela Optional Text to be used as Label A.
labelb Optional Text to be used as Label B.

Available Response Representations

  • Status Code200-text/plain; charset=UTF-8
  • Status Code200-text/html; charset=UTF-8
  • Status Code400-application/json; charset=UTF-8